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6 Interesting Places to Visit on Uganda Self Drive Tour

6 Interesting Places to Visit on Uganda Self Drive Tour


Uganda is a landlocked country located in the east of Africa. It is among the smallest countries on the continent but among the biggest in the tourism industry of Africa. Uganda is dubbed as the pearl of Africa because of having endless green nature all over the country. Millions of tourists come to Uganda to experience its green landscapes embroiled with unique flora and fauna. Way back, Uganda used to only organized guided safari tours whereby the tourist used to explore the attractions by the stewardship of a driver-guide but since the turn of this decade, there came a new tourism product of self-drive safari where a tourist only hires 4×4 car from a travel company and explores the motherland on his/her own. The travelers who have taken up the self drive in Uganda have had a wonderful time since they get the freedom to discover internally something without any restriction and also have enjoyed the adventurous part of it of discovering new places and attractions on their own. Self-drive tourists visit many places in Uganda however there are those places that are eye-catching and memorable and we bring you some of them;

Murchison Falls National Park in the North of Uganda
This is the largest and oldest conservation area in Uganda dating back to 1926 when it was first gazetted.  This amazing game park has 76 species of mammals and 451 birds and on a game drive around this park, a tourist has an opportunity of watching animals in the wild. The notable animals to see in this national park include lions, elephants, elands, Uganda kobs, giraffes, leopards, and hyena. Still in this park, there is a boat ride that is carried out on the Victoria Nile one of the tributaries of River Nile, and when on the boat ride aquatic animals like the Nile crocodiles, hippos, waterbucks, and a variety of birds are seen.

The highlight attraction in this game park is the view of on top of the falls where the Nile the longest river in the world squeezes through an 8-meter wide gorge and plunges with a thunderous roar into the “devil’s cauldron” forming a sublime rainbow. A road trip to Murchison falls national park is always a remarkable one!

Queen Elizabeth national park in the west
This is famously known as the medley of wonders due to its varsity in natural attractions and it is the most popular game park in Uganda as thousands of tourists visit it throughout the year. Queen Elizabeth has a variety of big mammals and 600 species of birds and this is the birder’s paradise. Nonetheless, the Kazinga channel boat cruiser is the most flawless experience in the park, while on a boat ride one has the opportunity to have a panoramic view of nature around and on the bank of the channel that is endowed with hippos, buffaloes, elephants, and birds. At queen there are enormous craters enwrapped dramatically into the rolling green hills. Still, in queen, there is the Ishasha sector where the lions are viewed on the fig trees ready to pounce on the herds of loitering Uganda kobs.

Bwindi impenetrable national park in the southwest of Uganda
Bwindi is becoming the most powerful game park in Uganda due to the presence of mountain gorillas. The mountain gorillas are among the most sought-after animals in African tourism. Bwindi has half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas that is 420 out of 880. These huge primates are endangered species of animals that are about to get extinct in the forthcoming generation. However, being endangered species is not the only reason why mountain gorillas are sought after but their social intelligence in the wild is also another x-factor. These animals have the ability to use tools like tree branches, leaves, and stones to help them in their daily activities of gathering food and also building their nests. Their communication is worth mentioning as it is so intriguing.  Bwindi also has 120 species of mammals, 346 species of birds, and other countless wildlife that can be best experienced on a nature walk in the forest. The Batwa trail experience around the Bwindi region is worth an encounter on a self-drive tour. The Batwa people are among the indigenous race of people in Uganda and also the shortest. These people have interesting social engagements to watch and experience.

Kampala city and its cultural sites
Kampala is the largest and capital city of Uganda. This city comprises beautiful Asian architecture and several cultural sites. Some of the interesting places to visit in Kampala are Kasubi tombs where all the remains of all deceased kings of Buganda are kept and it is also a UNESCO heritage site, Kabaka’s lake the first manmade lake in Uganda, the Uganda museum where all the remains that speak about Uganda’s history are kept, the Namugongo shrine and Bahai temple to mention but a few. Kampala also has very nice restaurants to dine in while moving around. The nightlife of Kampala can never be missed on a self-drive tour as there are many clubs, pubs, bars, and cinema halls and that makes one’s night terrific and live while in Uganda.

Entebbe and its beaches
Entebbe is where the international gateway of Uganda has located the Entebbe international airport. All visitors flying in and out of the country have passed via Entebbe airport. But it is not only the airport that Entebbe brags with, it also has the largest inland water body in Africa Lake Victoria. Along the shores of Lake Victoria, there are very many resorts and beaches to relax and unwind off the stress. The most notable beaches in Entebbe are Entebbe imperial resort beach, white sand beach, sports view beach, aero beach, and Spenah beach. On Lake Victoria, via Entebbe, there are eco islands like the Ngamba Island where one can encounter the chimpanzees and also Ssese Island a serene island to relax and have fun to the fullest.

Jinja the source of the Nile
This is the second-largest and most adventurous city in Uganda. This city is where the Nile starts its long journey to the north of Africa in the red sea.  Within this amazing city, there are a lot of attractions to encounter and activities to engage in like the source of the Nile viewing and boat ride, white water rafting at Itanda falls, kayaking, bungee jumping, and mountain biking. A stay in Jinja is always a phenomenal one as one engages in various adventurous activities.

With those interesting places above, a traveler is likely to have an unparalleled experience on a self-drive tour in Uganda. All a traveler needs are to hire a 4×4 car from a trusted car rental company and enjoy the experience.

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