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White Water Rafting

Top 6 Things to Do in Jinja

Top 6 Things to Do in Jinja

White Water Rafting

Are you an adventure lover and wish to participate in an adrenaline unleashing activity that will blow your mind? Then Jinja should definitely not miss on the list of places to visit during your safari in Uganda. Contrary to what most people know-that the Source of the Nile is in Egypt, Uganda is actually the source of the River Nile – the longest River in the entire world at 6,853 kilometers after the Amazon River at 6,992 kilometers. The Nile River especially on Jinja Side is a Haven to some of the most breathtaking activities such as white water rafting in Uganda. No wonder Jinja is described as the “Adventure Capital of the World”. If you desire to participate in some of the most eerie activities, then you have a reason to try some of the following adventure things within the River Nile.

White Water Rafting

This is probably the most popular activity in the River Nile and the most adventurous. White water rafting is like no other experience where you have a feel of the warm waters of the River, the breathtaking scenery and an all year round Tropical sunshine with short rains making rafting within the Nile an exceptional and exhilarating experience. The incredible rapids of the Nile offer rafters with the unbeatable excitement and pleasure like no other, prior to encountering the Pools of the Nile waters where someone can enjoy swimming and explore some of the unique wildlife and bird species.

Bungee Jumping

This is also a must-do activity on the River Nile in Jinja. This very invigorating activity provides adventurers with the opportunity to “Kiss the Nile” at about 40 meters from the high ground. This activity is more adrenaline releasing than the white water rafting. So, if you feel that you desire to get the adrenaline out, then participate in Bungee jumping because it is not for the faint hearted. The fact that the activity lasts for a short time, it is always done in the combination of other activities.

Jet Boating

This activity is as awe-inspiring and daring as water rafting but an exceptional experience on its own. While on Jet boating, you venture into the rapids swiftly with a high speed boat and experience the Nile in another way.


This activity is one of the most incredible ways to explore the Nile and its surrounding areas (especially the local community members), their farmlands, sugarcane plantations and exceptional bird species feeding on the fish of Lake Victoria. There is nothing as incredible as Kayaking the River Nile with absolutely warm weather and adventurous rapids.

Horseback Riding

Did you really think horseback rides aren’t possible around the Nile River? Then you were wrong. What can be more relaxing that exploring Uganda’s countryside especially the farmlands and the surrounding villages on a horse tell you nothing can compare to this experience. With this activity, be sure of enjoying remarkable scenery of the surrounding places and encounter unique bird species.

Quad Bike Rides

How can the list exist without Quad bike rides? This activity is one of the most wonderful ways to spend an afternoon or evening along the River Nile in Jinja. You can ride through the villages as you enjoy pure natural fresh air and explore the everyday activities of typical Ugandans as they go about with their duties especially garden work and children go about with their chores.


This is one of the known ways of relaxing within the River Nile and is very safe because there have never been any cases of Bilharzia and other unpleasant diseases, and from perilous animals such as Crocodiles and Hippos.

In conclusion, the River Nile within the Jinja side is an adventure capital with remarkable activities such as water rafting, bungee jumping, swimming, jet boating, quad biking, horseback rides and Kayaking. With these activities, an adventure lover will cherish Jinja district.

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